Hope Tourism – Fukushima Inspiration

G'Day Japan! / Tours & Activities / Hope Tourism – Fukushima Inspiration

11 March 2011 saw Fukushima hit by the unprecedented triple disaster of an earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear incident. In the years since, Fukushima has strived towards revival while undertaking new efforts to build a more sustainable future through the harsh lessons learnt. The unique experiences of Fukushima have made it the best place to see, listen, and ponder this future through the new educational travel program Hope Tourism.

Hope Tourism aims to show both the positives and negatives of Fukushima as they really are, unseen in the media. You’ll meet locals boldly challenging themselves in a number of fields towards revitalization, fostering the realization that the many problems that surfaced from the earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear incident (like population decline, ageing populations, regional degradation, and energy issues) are actually facing the whole world. Hope Tourism provides opportunities to think about how the lessons of Fukushima can be used at home, and what kind of future you wish to build by solving these problems to become a driving force for tomorrow.

You’ll also learn about the earthquake and nuclear disaster from its beginning until now through a variety of informative facilities. One of these is the Great East Japan Earthquake and Nuclear Disaster Memorial Museum, a new facility located in Hamadori on Fukushima’s east coast, an area that has opened itself to visitors while on the road to recovery.

Hope Tourism offers several different itineraries, from half-day Hamadori tours to 3-day plans leaving and returning from the Kanto region, all granting a better understanding of “today’s Fukushima.”


Australia’s Official Fukushima Prefecture Representatives
For any enquiries regarding Fukushima tourism, please feel free to reach out to
sales_fukushima@nta.com.au or call
Simon Williamson (Australian Attractions): 0438 744 633
Nippon Travel Agency Australia Sydney Office: (02) 9275-9661



| Temperature: 20

Located just over an hour ride away on the bullet train from Tokyo, Fukushima offers a great array of activities. Each season brings a different set of attraction to the visitors of Fukushima, such as camping in summer and swan watching in winter.