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Visit Deep Kyoto Miyama

Kyoto Discover Avatar photo GJ Editor

Kyoto, a hub of culture, history, and the capital for more than 1,000 years, is what many imagine when picturing Japan. Even today, the streets of Kyoto abound with cultural treasures, ancient traditions, and time-honoured craftsmanship passed down the generations. … Read More


Ehime Travel Information Avatar photo GJ Editor

This campaign ended as of February 28, 2023.Giveaway prize winner is Joshua Durbin. Congratulations! Ehime Prefecture, located on the island of Shikoku, is world-famous for its historical townscapes like the legendary Dogo Onsen, scrumptious seafood and citrus fruit, and amaz… Read More

Jozankei Base

Hokkaido Hot Springs Avatar photo GJ Editor

Staying at Jozankei Jozankei and a great little town steeped in culture and history located just 50 mins from Sapporo city. Jozankei is a onsen town ( hot springs ) where more that 50 natural hot springs half of them coming straight out of the ground. Hotels and traditional Ryokans (Japanese Inns)… Read More