Consisting of the Kagura, Tashiro and Mitsumata areas, Kagura Ski Resort is known for its high-quality powder, snow parks, exciting backcountry courses and lengthy tree runs from its 1,845-metre summit. This 23-course ski field is open from late November to late May, and its Powder Station specialty store has a wide range of rental gear suited to the conditions. Children 12 years and under receive free lift passes at both Kagura and Naeba ski resorts.
742 Mitsumata, Yuzawa-machi, Minami Uonuma-gun
Days Mon-Fri 8:00-17:00, Sat & Sun &Holidays 7:30-17:00
Travelling times to Naeba & Kagura Ski Resort Tokyo: 2 hrs (bullet train and bus)