It’s almost time! Sydney’s number 1 Japanese festival on 8th of December!

Sydney Event Avatar photo GJ Editor

G'Day Japan! / Entertainment / It’s almost time! Sydney’s number 1 Japanese festival on 8th of December!

It’s almost here! The annual Matsuri Japan Festival is back again this year on the 8th of December, at Tumbalong Park in Darling Harbour.This festival has become a summer staple for Sydney residents, 12 years since its in augural event, held in celebration of the 30th anniversary of Japan and Australia’s nation to nation friendship. Matsuri is made possible by the passion and organisation of the Japanese community in Sydney. It has continued to grow in scale each year, also thanks to the growth in popularity of Japanese culture and subcultures.

The event welcomed 55,000 people last year and set itself apart from any other community events held at the venue. The event is sponsored by the the Consulate-General of Japan in Sydney, other Japanese government agencies and Japanese corporations and companies, the Japan Club of Sydney, Japanese Society of Sydney Inc., and the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Sydney Inc. this year.

On the main stage, there will be dynamic performances of Taiko drums, traditional Japanese dancing, Japanese folk dance ‘Yosakoi Soran’ (a crowd favourite every year!) – you will be taken through the full spectrum of Japanese performing arts. Also at the festival will be all sorts of exhibitors – from all over Japan – where you’ll get to have a taste of different Japanese destinations and activities. Of course, there will be plenty of Japanese festival foods to fill you up, plus they are licensed for alcohol!

It’s not just about seeing and eating. There is also an experiential element to Matsuri. Experience the art of tea, ikebana (Japanese flower arranging) and calligraphy first hand. This year, there’ll be a workshop (with cost) held for kids to try out carrying a ‘o-Mikoshi’, which is a portable version of a shrine (usually gets paraded through its local area during a matsuri). It’ll be a fantastic day for all ages!

If you’ve been to a Matsuri in the past, expect to be blown away some more. And for those yet to experience Matsuri, here is the Japan fix you have been craving for!

Date 8th December, 2018
Time 11.30 〜 19.30
Fee 無料
Venue Tumbalong Park (Darling Harbour)
Address 11 Harbour St, Sydney NSW 2000

Use #MATSURISYDNEY2018 at the event!



| Temperature: 16

Sydney is one of Australia’s largest and most populated cities. It is known for being closely located to a great range of scenery from white sandy beaches of Bondi, to the Blue Mountains as well as the busy multicultural cityscape of Sydney CBD.