Learn Japanese from home!

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G'Day Japan! / Language / Learn Japanese from home!

Staying at home and self isolating is the best way to combat the current pandemic. It is also a great opportunity to learn something new and keep yourself occupied, such as teaching yourself Japanese! With an abundance of resources available online, it has never been easier! From the comfort of your own home, we have our top picks of learning Japanese online. Get yourself ready, and don’t forget to plan your next Japan trip communicating like a Japanese!

Recommended: Planning your next trip to Japan? Click here to find out your ultimate guide to travel Japan like a pro. 


DuoLingo is one of the best language learning apps used by over 300 million learners. It has a long-standing reputation as a Japanese learning App along with a vast number of learning other languages like Spanish, French, Italian, Korean and even fictional languages. The best part of this app is it’s user friendly animation and in-depth roadmap that will continue to motivate you as you progress.

Learn Japanese!!

Learning Japanese can be sometimes overwhelming at the start. For those who just started learning the new language, Learn Japanese!! Is the simplest and easiest way to start your learning. Although, there’s a small fee to enhance your learning experience, Learn Japanese!! can set your Japanese learning off smoothly. It provides most of the necessary grammars and words to have a conversation with your Japanese friend. 

NHK-Learn Japanese

NHK is a famous national broadcasting station featuring daily news and programs in English and Japanese. They also have educational programs which many use to get a sense of communication between real native speakers. Their resources allow a steady progression from beginner, elementary to intermediate and advance.


Tofugu is a Japanese language and culture blog to help people learn Japanese effectively. They constantly update useful resources to study Japanese with tips for people who are planning to visit or work in Japan. Tofugu also has their Podcast,
The Tofugu Podcast: Japan and Japanese Language, which covers most of the Japanese topics from their blog. 


For entertainment, content creator Dogen will enlighten you more about Japan. He performs Japanese stand-up comedy on Youtube. His unique and mixed dark humour draws you in immediately. Even though he is originally from Washington, he speaks impeccable Japanese.

His video is not only entertaining but also educational as well. If you are a Japanese beginner, Japanese Phonetics series is perfect for you to build a strong base of your Japanese learning.


When it comes to learning a new language, everyone needs some entertainment they would enjoy. Surprisingly ,many people were studying Japanese from Anime or Japanese movies. Why not find your favourite anime while learning Japanese! –here is the list of the Anime you might be interested in.


Experience Japan wherever you are and enjoy learning Japanese from the comfort of your own home! 



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